tiistai 18. lokakuuta 2011

8 days and counting!

YAY!!!!! Things are getting sorted little by little. Yesterday I went to get some $$$'s and today I'll go and get some travellers cheques. I've a tenant moving in on Sunday so been busy packing and arranging my bills to come out as direct debit. I am moving on Sunday to my aunt's for the last few days so it is all happening. On Monday I am taking my last Rabies vaccination and will need to go and get some malaria-tablets.

Last Saturday I had a leaving party, which was so much fun. I don't think there is any harm in having a party, even if going only for 4 months. I'll miss my family & friends so this was a great opportunity to see them (and to drink some sparkling wine).

It is so exciting and I am having difficulties keeping myself calm. Well, that is a surprise... :)

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