tiistai 13. syyskuuta 2011

Beware of the wild dogs...and scary doctors.

Yesterday I went to have my polio and tetanus injections done in the morning and in the early evening had an appointment with a doctor about what else there is left to inject.

I learnt that I would take a big risk, if I didn’t take rabies, as there is a bit of an epidemic in Bali. “But I won’t go stroking wild dogs or monkeys"…”but I won’t go and work with animals…"but the nurse said".."but but but…”. The doctor’s counter arguments were far too scary. There is an epidemic there. We have no real statistics of contaminations as the information travels slow. There is no cure unless you get the antidote. They've been running short on antidote in Bali. Am I being stupid to keep on going about the €400 it will cost me just for the rabies drugs to be circulating in my blood? Will I be scared every time a dog approaches me if I don’t choose to get the injections? Is this really silly? I find it very unfair and difficult to be made responsible of making these decisions by myself. Well, I suppose, when I think about it again, it is my life that I am pondering here… :)

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